Exporting Data from Google to Microsoft using Mover.io.Exporting Data from Google to Microsoft using ShareGate.

Migrate UW Google or UW Microsoft Content.Error: Your account doesn’t allow editing on a Mac.Alternatives to UW Google for Shared UW NetIDs.Microsoft Campus License Agreement Details.Managed Workstation Service and Windows 11.Adding a Workstation to the NetID Domain.Setting Up a Managed Workstation Computer.MyIT: Manage your Managed Workstation resources.Adding Administrators to a Managed Workstation.Using Autopilot with Managed Workstation.Provision your Shared UW NetID for Exchange.Common Problems and Solutions for Sharing E-mails.Adding Administrators to Your Managed Workstation.Use Microsoft Forms to create and send a survey.Use Google Forms to create and send a survey.

This is purely meant for the professionals and is currently being beta tested by some G Suite Enterprise, Business and Education customers. You just need to pre-select the files or folders which you wish to use without being connected to the internet and the app intelligently store them on your PC storage. Google has also enabled the support for offline access in the Drive File Stream application.